Downtown Dallas is at pivotal moment. Our collective efforts have revitalized the city’s urban core, transforming it into a thriving destination brimming with commerce, culture, recreation and a bourgeoning sense of place.
Public and private interests have never been greater, creating new opportunities and a new list of “things to get done.”
Six years after the adoption of the original plan in 2011, significant transformation has occurred in all of the 360 geography, bringing about new opportunities to further fulfill the vision.
Therefore, in June 2015, DDI and the City of Dallas, along with our partners and the greater Downtown community, launched the process of evolving The 360 Plan into strategies relevant to today through the next five years.
Building on the transformative strategies from the original plan adopted by the Dallas City Council in 2011, including housing, transportation, urban design, parks, and public space, the update will first set urban mobility principles to guide current and future local, regional, and state planning. Drafted in partnership with more than 40 local organizations and with input from more than 1,000 touch points through community partners and stakeholders, those guiding mobility principles include:
• Provide a system that is safe, well-lit, comfortable, and accessible for a diverse base of users.
• Improve inter-district connectivity for all modes of travel.
• Encourage mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented design and development.
• Ensure that both regional and local transportation systems support urban design and
livability goals for our urban core.
• Deliver a system that responds proactively to future trends in technology, demographics,
and user preferences.
In addition, The 360 Plan will deliver a pragmatic guide to improve connectivity between our in town neighborhoods, whether walking, biking, using public transportation, or driving, while also delivering vibrancy, continuity, and a “sense of place” at the street level. It will address mobility balance for every street in the urban core, and identify improvements to key connections with close-in neighborhoods.
360 is a partnered effort of Downtown Dallas, Inc., the City of Dallas and the greater Downtown Dallas 360 community.
The update to The 360 Plan kicked off in June 2015. During the more than year-long public input process, the feedback was clear that the focus of the update would be on a more balanced mobility system and the connections between neighborhoods, while carrying forward many of the strategic goals related to building complete neighborhoods (housing, education, and parks and public space), urban design, and activation.
Technical planning work has progressed through 2016 & 2017 with technical consultants MIG and Fehr & Peers, along with City staff and Downtown Dallas, Inc. staff with continued collaboration with stakeholders, neighborhoods, and the community.
The full plan is projected to be complete by August 2017 and adopted by City Council the following month.
Nearly five years later, significant transformation has occurred… bringing about new opportunities to further fulfill the vision.